The Branches of the EAWL

Most members belong to the branch nearest to their home. Each Branch has it’s own Committee and Chairman and meets once a month, often with a guest speaker, demonstration or an outing.
During the year each Branch holds one or two special fund raising events, which are fun social occasions too. These might include a Fashion Show, Dinner Dance Quiz, Murder Mystery nights, or bridge sessions.
Being a member of the EAWL is a wonderful and informal way to make new friends and find new interests, while at the same time helping the community.
The main work of the league in the past is reflected in these Branch histories, as they recount their support for such projects as the Lady Grigg Maternity Home at Pumwani, War work during World War II, Gertrude's Garden Children's Hospital, Nairobi Hospital, Child Welfare, Weal House which is now called Harrison House, the Tapestries and the Teenage Holiday Club in Nairobi.
The League is made up of its Branches, and they meet together in Council twice a year at Weal House, the Headquarters of the League and once up-country. Then the projects, which are too big for one or even two Branches to undertake, are decided upon, and the whole League acts in concert.